1. Criar c:\veeamscript.ps1 com o seguinte conteudo:
# Edit this part:
$youremailserver= ""
$sender = "origem"
$recipient = "destino"
# Put most info into the body of the email:
$TimeGenerated = get-eventlog "Veeam Endpoint Backup" -newest 1 -entrytype Information, Warning, Error -source "Veeam Endpoint Backup" | Format-List -property TimeGenerated | out-string
$Source = get-eventlog "Veeam Endpoint Backup" -newest 1 -entrytype Information, Warning, Error -source "Veeam Endpoint Backup" | Format-List -property Source | out-string
$EntryType = get-eventlog "Veeam Endpoint Backup" -newest 1 -entrytype Information, Warning, Error -source "Veeam Endpoint Backup" | Format-List -property EntryType | out-string
$Message = get-eventlog "Veeam Endpoint Backup" -newest 1 -entrytype Information, Warning, Error -source "Veeam Endpoint Backup" | Format-List -property Message | out-string
$InstanceID = get-eventlog "Veeam Endpoint Backup" -newest 1 -entrytype Information, Warning, Error -source "Veeam Endpoint Backup" | Format-List -property InstanceID| out-string
$Body = " $TimeGenerated Instance-ID: $InstanceID $Message "
# Determine the subject according to the result of the backup:
$hostname = hostname
if ($Message.contains("Success")) {
$subject = "[Success] Endpoint Backup $hostname"
} elseif ($InstanceID.contains("110")) {
$subject = "[Started] Endpoint Backup $hostname"
} else {
$subject = "[Failed] Endpoint Backup $hostname failed"
# Send the email using the powershell object (replace with e.g. blat.exe for older powershell-Versions)
if ($InstanceID.contains("110") -Or $InstanceID.contains("190")) {
Send-MailMessage -To $recipient -Subject $subject -From $sender -Body $body -SmtpServer $Youremailserver
} else {
write-host "I don't want messages on 10010 and 10050 Restorepoint-creation or -remove Emails, skip those"
write-host "Script finished with -$instanceID- as the last event-ID"
2. Set the PowerShell Execution Policy to RemoteSigned (run as admin);
3. Criar tarefa windows para enviar email quando o backup terminar:
In General :
Run whether user is logged on or not
Run with highest privileges
Password stored
On an event
Log : Veeam Endpoint Backup
Source : Veeam Endpoint Backup
Action :
Start a program c:\veeamscript.ps1
Settings and conditions by default
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