9 de outubro de 2014

mFi raspberryPi

On input:
1. Raspberry pi
фото 1.JPG
2. SD Card 8 Gb
3. Home wifi AirRouter XM.v5.5.8
4. mPower mini 2 units
5. mPort 1 unit
6. Temp sensor THS 1 unit
7. Current sensor 1 unit
(and i will wait from psot-shop LM35 sensor and for my GAS Bosch ZWA24 only one кудфн  FTR-K1CK024W Fujitsu (24VDC commutation) - this relay in mPort mini for commuation FTR-K1CK005W (5VDC on mPort).

First, I will try sart standart soft linux 2014-01-07-wheezy-raspbian.zip
Make from instruction and all ok from 30 min coffe brake :manwink:
ARMv6/7 Linux - Headless - Client Compiler EABI, VFP, HardFP ABI, Little Endian

All ok from 30 min too :manhappy:
My next path for fiesta: make mongoDB. Many googlers hours  can see - MongoDB is WORK on Raspberry.
Start in PM11:00 06march2014 and end in PM2:45 07march2014 :manwink: realy "and compile, SCons is an Open Source software construction tool, substitute for the classic Make utility the compilation takes several hours, yes hours"
and in PM07:00 I make last path - mFi deb packet on Raspberry!
zip packaje for Linux in folder /home/amx/Downloads/
2. Start mc
3. on left panel I open file mFi.unix.zip and in right panel shell-connection pi@<my raspberry IP>
4. open on right panel /home/pi/ and go to left panel, in opened zip-file directory mFi  <F5>  for copy. Whait some minutes.
5. exit from mc.
6. ssh pi@<my raspberry IP>
7. cd /home/pi/mFi/lib/
8. java -jar ace.jar start
whait over 3-5 min
try to connect htp://<my raspberry IP>:6443
First steps and IT WORK :manwink:
In first start need whait some minutes.
фото 2.JPG
Mobile version work very speed https://<my raspberry IP>:6443/mobile 
Also work without problem on iPhone 4 app mFi

step by step
When we made raspberry mongodb on upper messages, we unzip mFi folder, now we need startup :manwink:

nano ~/startjar.sh
/usr/bin/java -jar /home/pi/mFi/lib/ace.jar start

Yes <enter> <enter>

sudo nano /etc/crontab
go to end of file and write:
@ReBoot pi /home/pi/startjat.sh

Yes <enter><enter>

sudo su
cd /
mkdir /data/db/
chmod 755 data

problem, why Raspberry not good work with mFi not with JAVA. Problem :mad2: with not stable mongoDB. I think Mongo - isnt good idea for DB. MySQL is better way, but UBNT have many programmers and we think they now how work mongo.
Correcting mongo problem - Mongo for one mFi controller need minimim 640Mb ram and 640Mb swap. We make some experiments, and now we understand wee need made this command:
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
yes <enter><enter>

from any steps ypu will now

You will whait reboot
logon on pi user and enter command
You will see some pic you control free memory over 220-250 Mb
and see 2 daemons: java and mongod
need 5-10 min to start :lurk5:

Download link our version image for Raspberry Pi

user login   oh9ftw
user password ra1amx

Also when you start system - please disable all java updates and mFi updates for fortunaly work without reboot many many weeks :manwink:
2014-04-30 01-41-29 Скриншот экрана.png

source: https://community.ubnt.com/t5/mFi/Anyone-Try-MFI-on-a-Raspberry-PI/td-p/363552/page/2

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