On input:
1. Raspberry pi
2. SD Card 8 Gb
3. Home wifi AirRouter XM.v5.5.8
4. mPower mini 2 units
5. mPort 1 unit
6. Temp sensor THS 1 unit
7. Current sensor 1 unit
(and i will wait from psot-shop LM35 sensor and for my GAS Bosch ZWA24 only one кудфн FTR-K1CK024W Fujitsu (24VDC commutation) - this relay in mPort mini for commuation FTR-K1CK005W (5VDC on mPort).
First, I will try sart standart soft linux 2014-01-07-wheezy-raspbian.zip
Make from instruction and all ok from 30 min coffe brake
Next I will install Java from this man http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/java/ra spberrypi-1704896.html
ARMv6/7 Linux - Headless - Client Compiler EABI, VFP, HardFP ABI, Little Endian
All ok from 30 min too
My next path for fiesta: make mongoDB. Many googlers hours can see - MongoDB is WORK on Raspberry.
Ok, I will try it: http://aloon.com/install-mongodb-in-raspberry-pi/
Start in PM11:00 06march2014 and end in PM2:45 07march2014 realy "and compile, SCons is an Open Source software construction tool, substitute for the classic Make utility the compilation takes several hours, yes hours"
Go to my small trip in Saint-Peersburg http://aprs.fi/#!mt=roadmap&z=8&call=a%2FRA1AMX-7&
and in PM07:00 I make last path - mFi deb packet on Raspberry!
1. Im download from http://www.ubnt.com/download#mFi:Controller
zip packaje for Linux in folder /home/amx/Downloads/
2. Start mc
3. on left panel I open file mFi.unix.zip and in right panel shell-connection pi@<my raspberry IP>
4. open on right panel /home/pi/ and go to left panel, in opened zip-file directory mFi <F5> for copy. Whait some minutes.
5. exit from mc.
6. ssh pi@<my raspberry IP>
7. cd /home/pi/mFi/lib/
8. java -jar ace.jar start
whait over 3-5 min
try to connect htp://<my raspberry IP>:6443
First steps and IT WORK
In first start need whait some minutes.
Mobile version work very speed https://<my raspberry IP>:6443/mobile
Also work without problem on iPhone 4 app mFi
step by step
When we made raspberry mongodb on upper messages, we unzip mFi folder, now we need startup
nano ~/startjar.sh
/usr/bin/java -jar /home/pi/mFi/lib/ace.jar start
Yes <enter> <enter>
sudo nano /etc/crontab
go to end of file and write:
@ReBoot pi /home/pi/startjat.sh
Yes <enter><enter>
sudo su
cd /
mkdir /data/db/
chmod 755 data
problem, why Raspberry not good work with mFi not with JAVA. Problem with not stable mongoDB. I think Mongo - isnt good idea for DB. MySQL is better way, but UBNT have many programmers and we think they now how work mongo.
Correcting mongo problem - Mongo for one mFi controller need minimim 640Mb ram and 640Mb swap. We make some experiments, and now we understand wee need made this command:
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
yes <enter><enter>
from any steps ypu will now
You will whait reboot
logon on pi user and enter command
You will see some pic you control free memory over 220-250 Mb
and see 2 daemons: java and mongod
need 5-10 min to start
Download link our version image for Raspberry Pi
user login oh9ftw
user password ra1amx
Also when you start system - please disable all java updates and mFi updates for fortunaly work without reboot many many weeks
source: https://community.ubnt.com/t5/mFi/Anyone-Try-MFI-on-a-Raspberry-PI/td-p/363552/page/2